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Customised Due Diligence Advice & Training
I am available for customised Illegal Logging Due Diligence assistance or training workshops in Melbourne or Sydney. Email us to request...

QLD timber importer penalised $12,600
A Queensland based timber business has been the first importer issued with an infringement notice for $12,600. Details are scant, but we...

Due diligence for products with multiple wood or fibre components
For wood products with multiple timber components – such as commonly the case with wood furniture - each component must be assessed for...

FSC National Risk Assessments
FSC International continues to roll out the National Risk Assessments for their controlled wood system. The latest have been approved for...

Why we suggest taking photos on site visits
Due diligence for illegally logged wood is it is not always about having the right document or certificate. Some documents can also be...

PEFC China – CFCC Certificates
It pays to verify. It pays to verify! Doing some work recently for an Australian importer importing from a Chinese manufacturer we were...

The US-China trade dispute: Implications for Australian importers
China is one of the largest importers of US hardwoods and the current dispute is resulting in reduced imports from the US. Timber from...

Indonesia VLK Certificate check
If you are importing from Indonesia and using the Indonesian Country Specific Guideline for your risk assessment - a reminder that...

How long and detailed does our written due diligence system need to be?
A written due diligence system is a requirement of the Regulation and it must include some essential elements about your business and the...
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