Wood Waste Recovery
When it comes to managing wood waste, the answers are changing as regulations and the market moves towards a more circular economy and product stewardship approach. You need the right information to make informed decisions.
We help businesses to rethink waste management and to achieve cost savings and improved operational environmental outcomes.
Our services include:
Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions to meet NSW EPA regulations for the application of recovery of wood waste to land or energy within NSW
Identifying and addressing product stewardship barriers and opportunities
Resource recovery market analysis and recommendations
Managing end-of-life treated timber and engineered wood products
Identification of wood waste recovery opportunities and disposal savings
Documentation of procedures to prevent the presence of engineered wood and/or physical contaminants in mulch
Preparation of grant applications to fund wood waste diversion for State and Federal governments
Training for resource recovery staff in the identification and removal of problematic timbers and contaminants
Development of protocols to manage timber waste
Specifications and quality control for waste timber derived products
Market development investigations and negotiations with supply and demand businesses
Quantification of carbon reduction benefits of alternatives waste management options.
Some of our clients