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Our Recent Posts
Wood off-cuts, pallets & packaging recycling in Sydney - save some $$
If a business in Sydney you know of disposes of large quantities of wood off-cuts, pallets, crates, skids or dunnage - contact us to...
European Timber regulation reviewed
The European Commission has released a report on the effectiveness of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) over the two years since...
European Timber Trade Federation launches tropical timber website
The European Timber Trade Federation has recently launched a new online tool ‘Gateway to international Timber Trade’ to assist...
FSC or PEFC Chain of Custody Certification - how useful is it for due diligence?
In October 2015 the Department issued a compliance advice note on using FSC and PEFC chain-of-custody (CoC) certification for the risk...
US - Lumber Liquidators Enforcement Action
In late 2015 Lumber Liquidators - the largest hardwood flooring retailer in the United States - pleaded guilty to violations of the U.S....
ATIF Legality Toolkit 2016 Update
An addendum to the Australian Timber Importers Federation's (ATIF) Legality Toolkit has been finalised. The addendum clarifies some...
Cambodia now top timber supplier to Vietnam - extra care needed
Cambodia is now reported to be the largest exporter of timber into Vietnam. Over half the volume is comprised of Beng, Thnong and Kra...
Government announces outcomes of review - soft start period extended
The Australian Government has released KPMGs Independent review of the impact of the illegal logging regulations on small business. The...
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