Illegal Logging Due Diligence
The Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Act 2012 requires importers into Australia of most timber and paper-based products to exercise due diligence to minimise the risk that you are importing products that contain illegally harvested wood.
The requirements can be difficult to implement. We offer a range of practical services to assist timber, veneer, plywood, paper product, wood furniture importers to reduce the risk of non-compliance. These services put you firmly on track to meet your obligations and are based on our systematic approach which is aligned with government guidance and industry best practice.
Our packages include:
Establishing and maintaining an illegal logging due diligence systems based on our simple templates including:
Gathering information from suppliers, assessing risk and preparing mitigation measures
Tailoring questionnaires, checklists and risk assessment templates to suit your business
Developing company due diligence procedures for imports from all countries including Canada, Chile, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, EU, USA, New Zealand and Vietnam
Help desk/access to specialised ongoing advice
Reviewing an existing due diligence system
Preparing responses to compliance checks from the Australian Department of Agriculture
Training for director and staff using real-life case studies
Our tools and templates are based on a framework of:
Australian Department of Agriculture compliance guidance
Australian Industry Timber Due Diligence (AITDD) tools and templates
Australian Timber Importers Federation’s (ATIF) legality compliance toolkit
Australian Furniture Association Due Diligence Toolkit.
These industry tools have been used by over 550 organisations in Australia and overseas.